Carolina Anzilotti

12 Responses to Carolina Anzilotti

  1. Heidi says:

    Hey Carolina! We’re so glad you all arrived safely! It’s bed time here and we just prayed for your continued safety and health. Remember the three main mistakes .pdf we read! : D

    We’re doing good. Zeppie is being cute and misses you two. Today he saw there were no seeds on the bird feeder and wanted to help. He did it all himself! (Except Emily held the pot of seeds while he got his shoes on)

    XOXO from H

  2. Hi Carolina,
    I love you! Sounds like (via Tamara) you had quite a day yesterday. Thank you for letting God work through you to bless the people there. You all are lights shining on a hill for all to see — a reflection of Jesus. “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” Matthew 25:40. We have you in our prayers throughout the day.
    God bless you. We look forward to seeing your pictures and posting when you are able, Caro.
    Kisses and Hugs,

  3. Heidi + Emily says:

    First, a big wave and smile to anyone reading this who is not a member of this family…

    Hi Carli,
    This is Emily.
    I miss you so much!!! HEidi is shoVing mE Off THe ChaIr, I love you a lot!

    Dear Carolina,
    Emily says P.S. she got a new water bottle.
    We all miss you both! Zeppie keeps asking about you. We’re all doing good, though Jennifer is a tad sick tonight. She thinks she has a fever, but I wouldn’t say so. She just needs to get more rest.
    Sorry about my short, silly, first post. It was really late Friday after a day at the Market and I wanted to get out a note for you to hopefully read next morning. My post on Elizabeth’s was truly zany.
    We are praying for you two all the time! Be careful, stay hydrated, all that good stuff.

  4. Heidi says:

    Just a quick note to say,
    I love you Carolina!
    Have a beautiful day!
    God bless you,

  5. Kayla Stavenjord says:

    Hey Carolina!!
    it sounds like you guys are having an amazing time down there!! i miss you tons!! i am so glad i had that whole day of skiing with you befor you left!! I bet you are making a huge impact and that everone loves your beatiful smile of yours!! can’t wait to hear your stories!!! i am praying for you and the team!! hope that no one gets sick, and that everone will come home with great memories and new experiences!! dont forget to Smile!!! =D Lots of love your friend Kayla!! =D

  6. Carolina says:

    Hello everybody! Thanks for commenting/reading! So sorry I haven’t posted anything yet! We have been super busy! So far we have visited two villages where we played with the kids, distributed gifts and gave the gospel message. The first village (we went there the day after we got here) was really dusty and hot. But we had a great time! I met three girls, Mela, Evaline and Gracie (I’m not sure if that’s how you spell their names) and had a great time playing frisbee with them. Then when our team went up to sing and give testimonies, smiled at me a lot. When people were getting invited to come up to the front to accept Christ (after the sermon and the Jesus Film) I prayed a lot for them, and Evaline and Gracie went up (I think with their families) and I went up later with Mela. Afterwards, they were so happy and smiling, and they kept hugging me. It was so amazing to know that my playing and praying for them might have been what led them to become Christians! It was so hard to say goodbye to them because I’ll probably never see them again on this earth, but they will be in my prayers and I hope to see them in heaven! That night, out of over 108 families, the majority came to the front. The next day, we went to a different village, which was in the mountains, so it was cooler. Here the people were a little less comfortable with us, but after bringing out balls and coloring supplies, we were surrounded by them. They all love to have you take pictures of them, and if you ask them if they want one, they get embarrased. The kids will literally mob you if you go over to your backpack and open it, so we had a seperate room for our stuff. That night, during the Jesus Film, I picked up a little girl and held her for like half the film. She started to cry then and wanted her mom (I think she was scared of me!) but she was so cute! When we start the Jesus Film, our team members pray for the people there, for God to open their eyes to the message. It’s really awesome to look around and see our team members all around in the crowd, praying. It’s really when you can feel the Holy Spirit at work. The little girl and her mom and sisters came up, along with so many other people I had been praying for. There were 30 families in that village, and I think around 26 came up. It was really great. This entry is super long, so I’ll have to do more tomorrow, but those were the first days (oh yeah, the flights were pretty good, and customs was much easier and less stressful than I thought!). I’m so glad I went on this mission’s trip, and I’m getting to know everyone on the team better. Thank you all so much for your prayers, they are a great blessing and I know they are helping us so much! Hello to everyone in my family, and Kayla! Thanks for posting, it’s very encouraging. I love to hear how things are going! Hopefully I will update more often! 🙂 I love you all! ~<3Carli

  7. Joe Anzilotti says:

    Dear Carolina,
    Thanks for all the information! Sounds like you are having a great experience.
    We have been praying for all of you every day.
    Hope for continued success with the evangelization.
    It is great to hear or read about your activities. If you get a chance send some more details.
    God bless you,
    Papa : )

  8. Heidi says:

    Hooray for a long post from Carli! Thanks for all the details about your days so far. : ) Glad to hear the flights went fine and Customs is not so bad. The little girls sound super sweet, smiling at you. We thank God for all the amazing things He is doing through you and the team.

    Tomorrow Mama and I are going down to the Market. We want to get to town early to run errands. Papa will be leaving extra early to fly out for his CME. Please pray that he will get good rest while he’s gone. : )

    We’re thinking about you two all the time and miss you a lot. Keep us posted when you can!

  9. Elizabeth says:

    Hello everyone, just so you can be praying Carolina trew up this morning, we’re having her drink lots of water, I think most of the reason she trew up was because she was exosted ffom the day.(we woke up at 5:30 yesterday morning) shes laying in bed now, please be praying that she will be feeling better soon. the nerses are helping her out and I am doing my best to take care of her, Please don’t worry, she asked if we could post this so you could pray. She is a pretty tough girl, and was sad to stay behind today, but i think the rest will really help her! thanks so much!

  10. Carolina Anzilotti says:

    Hello again, it’s Caro! right now it’s 11:42 AM and I am feeling much better than this morning at 5:30! I had to stay at the base today, so I will miss painting the houses, dedicating them, giving the house gifts, and saying goodbye to everyone, but I am having a good time right now.I’m not sure how I got sick, but I haven’t drunk any water or eaten anything besides our meals and snacks. I probably didn’t sanitize my hands as much as I should have. After everyone left, I slept until about 9 or so, then I spent some time with God, reading His word, prayoing and writing in my journal. I looked through the whole book of Psalms, and found many great verses:
    Psalms 4:8, 27:1, 30:12, 32:10, 51:16-17, 133:1 and 141:3
    and chapters:
    63, 100, 112, 127 (the first verse makes me think of when we’re building the houses for the villagers), and 138.
    I read Psalms 34, and was amazed at how it describes what we’re doing here-I have seen verses 5-6 numerous times this week, and it’s so awesome!
    Ok, here’s Monday: We went to a new village, where we were to build the houses. We seperated into teams, and headed for the concrete pads that had been set up beforehand. It was burning hot (still not as hot as the first village, though!) and we had to drink loads of water and wear a ton of sunscreen! (my neck is still red!). First we put together the metal frames for the walls, which required a lot of measuring. Then we stood them up, made sure they were squared, and then glued and nailed them to the concrete. While we were building, little kids would come up to us and grab our hands or hug us. We’d never even seen them before! They are all so cute! Anyways, by then we had been working for about 3-4 hours. Next, we put down strips of plastic case-things for the drywall to rest in, and then we put the drywall up, which was much easier than making the metal frame! After we had most of the drywall up (it goes on the inside) we started putting the outside walls on (I’m not sure what it’s called). This is when I learned how to use a screw gun 🙂 then we put on the metal corners and cut out the window and stuff like that. The villagers made lunch for us, and we ate on tables right next to the house my work team was building. Lunch was beans, rice and tortillas, which was sooo good! Then, a lot of the team went to work, but by then, there were at least 24 kids running around us, so the rest of us were allowed to play with them. we caught them as they jumped off tables, we swung them around and gave them shoulder and piggyback rides. They were so energetic, and after 1 1/2 hours or so, we were tired, but they were still begging us to play with them! I met a four year old little girl named Cayolina, which is pronounced exactly like my name in spanish! she was so sweet, and I played with her the whole time. It was so hard to leave! While we were playing with the kids, the other workers covered up the screws inside the house with spackle (or something like it). Well thats very long, so I’ll have to write the next day later! Love to everyone and God bless you! ~Carolina

  11. Heidi says:

    Dear Carolina,
    Thank you so much for the post! It is a big relief to hear you are doing better! Sorry we didn’t post after Elizabeth kindly let us know you were sick – but I didn’t think you’d be able to get on the computer so soon. Nicely rapid recovery there, sis! : ) *hug*
    All those sweet little kids! ARG! I wish I was there! Thanks for all the details about making houses. I’d been curious. I’m so sorry you’re missing the dedication and goodbyes. : (

    What is planned for tomorrow? You keep getting better, ya hear? Take it at least semi-easy.
    We love you both!
    ~ Heidi

  12. Dear Carolina,
    I love you sweetheart! Thank you for all the scripture verses and thoughts! I’m sorry you missed the dedication of the homes–I guess the Lord had other plans for you. I’m glad you’re feeling better and we pray that you will continue to keep your eyes open to His leading. There may be a brother or sister in Christ who needs your encouragement there at the base, or in your own group. “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!” Romans 10:15
    Praise God for those beautiful feet of yours!!! : ) Thank you for serving with God where you are!

    Some family news: Buttercup has not yet delivered. Zeppy is asking about you daily — we explain that you went on a plane to help build houses for little kids and he points to himself — yes he wants to go on a plane and build houses too. God-willing someday!! : D Dante went to a CAP service project early this morning and we are having a wonderfully sunny day here. Emily was not feeling well yesterday (sore throat and headache) but is feeling much better today. She has an exam in piano at 3:15 –please pray for her. The Lord gave me a verse regarding the hiring of a new employee: “Like an archer who wounds everyone, so is he who hires a fool or who hires those who pass by.” Proverbs 26:10 I can be patient!! We will be having a BIG sale tomorrow to move some of the stock from Borgo, Morelli etc. that is getting past date or is already. Please pray for a good day and strength, and that people would see Jesus in Heidi, Jenny and I. Papa will be bringing home about 75-100 lbs of goods from Seattle from a distributor there–no shipping charges! YEAH! Some fun new items and yes…..chocolate! Please pray for rest for him and a good learning time at the CME. Thanks!

    We look forward to seeing you and Bethy tomorrow night! Have a great rest of the day and God bless you all as you fly back. xoxox, Mama

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